AFM SafeCoat, Caulking Compound, 10-Ounce
AFM SafeChoice, Comprehensive 3-Part Carpet Shampoo and Sealing System
AFM Safecoat Almighty Adhesive, 10.1-Ounce
AFM SafeCoat, 3-in-1 Adhesive
AFM SafeChoice, Carpet Shampoo
AFM SafeChoice, Multi-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser (aka Super Clean)
AFM Safecoat, 2K Urethane, 1-Gallon
Save: $-51.34
AFM SafeCoat, DuroStain Pro
AFM SafeCoat, Ecolacq Sandable Primer
AFM Safecoat, EXT Exterior Polyureseal Clear
Save: $-40.80
AFM SafeCoat, Concrete Floor Paint
AFM SafeCoat, Ecolacq, 1-Gallon
Save: $-43.10
AFM SafeCoat, All Purpose Exterior Satin, Custom Color Paint
AFM SafeCoat, Zero VOC Paint
AFM SafeCoat, MexeSeal
AFM SafeCoat, Naturals Oil Wax Finish
Save: $-49.50
AFM SafeCoat, Naturals Clear Penetrating Oil
Save: $-44.20
AFM SafeCoat, AcriGlaze
AFM SafeCoat, Polyureseal BP
Save: $-49.00
AFM SafeCoat, Acrylacq
Save: $-44.00
AFM SafeCoat, Transitional Primer (Int/Ext)
AFM SafeCoat, MetalCoat Metal Primer
AFM SafeCoat, New Wallboard Primecoat
AFM SafeCoat, RoofGuard
AFM Safecoat
For over 30 years, AFM Safecoat has worked to develop the safest, highest quality, and least toxic products. AFM safecoat is a leading provider of environmentally responsible, sustainable and non-polluting paints, stains, finishes, and more.
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Whether you or someone in your household has health challenges, is chemically sensitive, or simply wants to live in a less toxic environment, AFM SafeCoat can help. Just like Green Building Supply, AFM is dedicated to helping its customers live healthier lives.
Chemically Sensitive Solutions
That’s because AFM’s founder was himself chemically sensitive. So he dedicated himself to reformulating traditional industry formulas into greener alternatives to help himself and his fellow “canaries in the coal mine.”
This California company, which has been in business for nearly 40 years, is a leading supplier of environmentally responsible, sustainable, and nonpolluting paints, stains, caulks, adhesives, finishes, and cleaners. Their flagship products that started the company were SafeSeal and HardSeal which block the emissions of formaldehyde and VOCs in plywood, chipboard, OSB, MDF, and all composite type wood. Since then many other clear sealers have been added to perform the same function while protecting the surface of floors, doors, trim, and furniture.
Peak Performers
Like everything else we sell, these products are non-toxic and safer for you and the environment. But they also will perform as well or better than the conventional products they replace. We currently carry the full line of some 40+ AFM products and have spent years testing all 40 + products to ensure your confidence in their safety and performance. AFM’s line of alternative building products cover every surface from foundations and basements, to interior and exterior windows, doors, floors, and walls, to the roof, and almost everything in between.