Waterproof Cork Flooring by Amorim Wicanders

Amorim Wicanders WISE WaterProof flooring is 100% waterproof, kid-proof and pet-proof, giving you longer-lasting floors. Check out the entire lineup for diverse options.


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Waterproof Cork Flooring by Amorim Wicanders

For years, we have been asking our vendors to come up with a truly waterproof floor, that is non-toxic, healthy, and sustainable. Amorim Wicanders delivers with their WISE WaterProof flooring line, featuring beautiful and elegant floors with Cork and Wood Visuals. This Amorim Wicanders cork flooring is 100% waterproof, kid-proof, and pet-proof, so you can depend on it - you can put this cork flooring in any room in your home or office. Whether you’re searching for cork bathroom flooring, cork flooring for your kitchen, cork flooring for the basement, or elsewhere in your home, Amorim Wicanders' WISE WaterProof cork flooring offers a smart solution.

Cork can provide an effective, sustainable, and affordable option for large or small spaces in need of a soft floor that’s friendly to your feet (and the environment). Cork’s elasticity and resiliency make it ideal for those looking for quiet and comfort. It’s, also a natural, green solution, given cork’s ability to regenerate after harvest. For more information on cork pros and cons, visit our helpful guide on cork.

At Green Building Supply, we make sustainability our mission. We want to make sure you understand the products you purchase from us - down to their specifications. Doing the research can be difficult, so we do what we can to make it easy for you. If you need further assistance, our specialists are available by phone to help you make an informed decision and answer any questions you may have. Call us at 1-800-405-0222. We’re available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST. Our staff of trained experts will be happy to answer your questions about WaterProof Cork Flooring and to help you find exactly the right product for your project.

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